2ndlife - Increase your salary

Continual Developing your skills and an hourly rate your deserve!

2ndlife - Improving your salary

How remote working can improve your salary

At 2ndlife, we are looking at ways to continually improve your hourly rate. As your success is out success. Having a skill is most the time not enough to get the right job. Applying to jobs at the right time, replace place, marketing your self, creating social proof. And creating trust in your clients, is a must when it comes to getting the best hourly rate.

2ndlife focuses on all these activities, so you do not need to

  • We have seen people go from $15/hr to $120/hr
  • Most freelances start at 2x-3x of there current wage
  • Our aim is to increase hourly rates every 3 momths
  • Review and refine skills to get the most funds

Looking to Apply?

We do not take all applicants, as we are looking for people that are committed to growth, and fit the model. Every month, we take a limited number of freelances, as we invest time to ensure the best results. Are you ready?